
又名:Thousand Years of Love

主演:成宥利 苏志燮 金南镇 

导演:李冠熙 编剧:李善美/金基浩 Gi-ho Kim





Plot Summary:More than a thousand years ago from the present time, Puyeoju is the Baek Jae Empire's princess. Unlike other princesses, she is active and skilled in the arts and in sports. When the Baek Jae Empire crumbles due to a spy, Kum Hwa, she runs away with her bodyguard General Guishil Ari and falls in love with him in the meanwhile. The new conqueror Kim Yu Suk is also in love with the princess, but only receives hate in return. In a desperate attempt to win her, he kills Ari, but the princess runs away and jumps off a cliff to kill herself. While falling, she travels more than one thousand years into the future, which is our present time of 2003. Only she remains to be who she was, and she encounters Ari to be an aimless fashion designer Kang In Chul with a warm heart and bad temper. Although, he is annoyed at her ignorance of the present world, he comes to fall in love with the princess again. Fujiwara Tatsuji is the son of the Fujiwara dynasty, and once again is mysteriously attracted ...
扶余公主(成宥利 饰)在一次偶然之中邂逅了英俊帅气的阿里将军(苏志燮 饰),并将他招到了身边做自己的贴身护卫,之后,内战爆发,贪生怕死的国王选择逃跑,留下公主一人面对千万敌军,在这危难时刻,阿里将军不离不弃的守护在公主的身边,两人之间结下了深厚的情谊。   然而,最终将军还是死在了敌人手中,伤心欲绝的公主跳崖殉情,却在误打误撞之中穿越到了一千四百年后的韩国,在这里,公主遇见了和阿里将军长得一模一样的设计师任哲(苏志燮 饰),公主坚信这是两人缘分未尽的证明,可是,对于这个一身古装言行诡异的女人,任哲却表现的十分戒备。
