葡萄园里的那个男人포도밭 그 사나이(2006)

又名:葡萄园里的小伙儿 / 葡萄園之戀(台) / Podobat keu sanai

主演:尹恩惠 吴万石 宋恩彩 郑素英 金知硕 

导演:朴文永 编剧:赵明珠



日期 资源名称
2021-08-25 【480p标清中文字幕】葡萄园里的那个男人迅雷下载.2006.4.21gb.torrent



Plot Summary:The Vineyard Man starring Yoon Eun Hye and Oh Man Suk When filial duty calls in the form of working at her grand uncle's vineyard in a remote village, Seoul-based fashion designer Ji Hyun (Yoon Eun Hye) is unhappily yanked from the big city-and her life-for one year. As if the circumstances weren't bad enough, she runs into Taek Gi (Oh Man Suk), a local villager who was wrongfully arrested while visiting in Seoul-an arrest based on an accusation that he had stolen one of Ji Hyun's dresses! In this romantic comedy, adapted from Kim Rang's hit novel The Vineyard Man , Ji Hyun learns about the simple, sweet things in life, as well as a thing or two about real love.
年轻女孩李智贤(尹恩惠 饰)和千千万万个女生一样,平凡却拥有自己的梦想。在服装公司工作的智贤现在只是一个菜鸟助理,离她出头之日还有一段非常远的距离,想要创造自己的独立品牌,可那需要庞大的资金,而自己只是普通家庭出身。正在为创业启动资金犯愁的智贤这时却被乡下的爷爷告知,如果能够来他的葡萄园工作一年,即可把一万坪的葡萄园划给智贤,于是智贤毫不犹豫的奔向了葡萄园。   在葡萄园等待她的除了乡村不怎么好的基础设施和住宿条件,还有和她结下过梁子的张择基(吴满锡 饰)。满锡为了报答资助自己读完大学的恩人的情意,来到了葡萄园工作,和智贤互看对方不顺眼。但随着葡萄园工作相处时日的加深,他们开始对彼此改观。葡萄园里的男人女人,收获果实的同时也收获了爱情。
