美丽的日子아름다운 날들(2001)

又名:Beautiful Days

主演:李秉宪 崔智友 柳时元 李贞贤 何载永 李镜珍 申敏儿 李辉 

导演:李长秀 编剧:尹成熙 Sung-Hee Yoon


日期 资源名称
2021-08-23 【480p标清中文字幕】美丽的日子迅雷下载.2001.11.28gb.torrent



Plot Summary:Sun-jae's father and Sung-chun are like brothers. Sun-jae's father was murdered by Sung-chun in 1975 before Sun-jae was born. Sung-chun's involvement in the murder was covered up. In 1985 immediately after Sung-chun's wife dies, Sung-chun has Sun-jae and his mother move in with him and his children (Min-chul and Minji). Sung-chun tells everyone Sun-jae is his real son, but in actuality he is not. Min-chul and Minji hate their father, Sun-jae and Sun-jae's mother. Sun-jae meets Yonsoo and Sena while visiting Grace Home (an orphanage). Yonsoo is touched by Sun-jae's kindness. Yonsoo accidentally burns Sena with hot water and is guilt-ridden. In 1995, Yonsoo leaves Sena at the orphanage to look for a job and earn money so that Sena can join her later. She promises to meet Sena at the Seoul Tower on Christmas Day.
李民哲(李秉宪 Byeng-hun Lee 饰)是个年轻多金的太子爷,从美国海归后就职于自家的唱片公司做企划组组长。一向自负且视爱情为游戏的民哲偶然的机会结识了善良温柔的孤女金莲秀(崔智友 Ji-Woo Choi 饰),对其产生好感,原本的观念发生了转变。为了接近自己所倾心的莲秀,民哲以为妹妹民智(申敏儿 Sin Min-ah 饰)聘请家庭教师为由请莲秀来到自己家中。李善宰(柳时元 Siwon Ryu 饰)自小随母亲改嫁来到民哲家,虽然民哲的父亲十分关爱善宰母子二人,却一直遭受着民哲兄妹的奚落。长久的矛盾让民哲与善宰之间积怨很深,而二人对莲秀的倾慕与爱恋更是加促了兄弟之间的争斗。而更令人吃惊的是,善宰生父的死与民哲的父亲有着直接的联系…
