
又名:熟女辛市长(港) / City Hall

主演:金宣儿 车胜元 李亨哲 秋相美 尹世雅 蔡建 郑秀英 权多贤 

导演:申宇哲 编剧:金恩淑 Eun-sook Kim



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 City.Hall.720p.HDTV.x264-Anybody
日期 资源名称
2021-08-25 【480p标清中文字幕】市政厅迅雷下载.2009.5.49gb.torrent
2019-05-11 市政厅CityHall
2019-05-11 市政厅
2019-05-11 市政厅



Plot Summary:City Hall is a drama that will deal with politics in a romantic comedy genre. It's about the happenings between a young woman mayor and an elite bureaucrat. Jo Gook is an exceedingly smart government official. He passed the Higher Civil Service quickly, and basically is the perfect guy. But being a deputy mayor is not enough for him. He lives with the dream of becoming South Korea's President. He should have easily gone straight to the top, but due to an unexpected incident, he gets dispatched as a deputy mayor for a provincial small town, Inju City, where Shin Mi Rae was working. Shin Mi Rae is a low-ranking secretary in Inju, but she works her way up in becoming the youngest City Mayor. As their paths met, they have to deal with each other's personal and social differences. But despite their constant bickering, would they end up in each other's arms?
奋斗多年,终于考上10级公务员的辛未来(金宣儿 饰)在偏僻的小地方做起了端茶倒水的活。虽然离她的梦想,即考上9级公务员还有一定的差距,但是未来还是每天快乐的过着日子。因为一次选美小姐比赛,未来邂逅了祖国(车胜元 饰)。祖国是个行政考试的天才,而他的志向更是非常宏大,目标是成为总统。与未来的初次相遇,让他很是看不惯这个邋遢的小公务员。但各种阴差阳错和弄巧成拙后,未来竟然成为了市长。   不得不硬着头皮干下去的未来得到了祖国的协助,在这位专业知识储备强人的协助下,起初手足无措不知如何是好的未来也开始慢慢步入正轨,干得有模有样。而二人也在一来二往中,渐渐萌生出情意。市政厅的爱情故事就此上演。
