

主演:孔晓振 张赫 徐信爱 申成禄 申久 柳承秀 

导演:李在东 编剧:李庆熙 Kyeong-hee Lee



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 谢谢 1~16 전편 (720p)
日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Halloween 2007 Rob Zombie (screener) English by aw
2019-05-11 Halloween 2007 Rob Zombie (screener) English by aw



Plot Summary:Dr. Min Ki Seo went to Blue Island to fulfill his deceased girlfriend's last wish to find the single mother and her little girl who was infected by HIV and to apologize to them on her behalf as she had unknowingly given the girl tainted blood when she was being treated at the hospital. Lee Young Shin, the single mom, was having a hard time caring for her grandfather who has Alzeimer's and keeping her daughter's HIV condition a secret while teaching her how to live with it. Min Ki Seo was an arrogant person who looked down on people and in meeting Lee Young Shin who accepted her fate and tried to make the best of it despite all odds, he slowly changed for the better and became a warm and caring person.
家庭变故,心爱的女友被病魔夺去生命,实力出众的外科医生闵基瑞(张赫 饰)开始怀疑人生,对人生不再抱有任何希望;独自养大女儿的李英辛(孔孝珍 饰)艰难的活着,心爱的女儿春天(徐信爱 饰)因为一次错误输血感染上了艾滋病,但生活上的打击并未削减她对生命的热爱,英辛和女儿依然积极面对人生,相信奇迹的出现。   这样对待生活,态度极其不同的二人,却相遇在了一个海岛。失去活着的意义的基瑞和乐观生活的母女俩,却像认识了很久般。基瑞在这对母女的身上看到活着的热情和对待生命的态度,而英辛母女俩也从基瑞那获得帮助。他们就像一家人,在海岛上互相帮助与扶持,而在这之中,基瑞也和英辛坠入了爱河……
