Plot Summary:Five years have elapsed since the store opened. Harry's son Gordon is at boarding school but obtains his father's permission to leave and work in the store whilst all his female relatives have returned to America. Rose comes back for the fifth anniversary. On the boat over she has met emancipated feminist Delphine Day, a writer and night-club owner, who advises her to use her own potential. Lady Mae's husband Lord Loxley arrives in London, suspicious of his wife's friendship with Harry and not above using blackmail to get onto a military committee. New head of fashion Mr Thackeray is not popular. Trained in Paris, he sees himself as superior to other staff members and is jealous of Agnes, who has also returned from Paris. Now head of display she impresses Harry with her ideas but is dismayed to find that Victor, now manager of the restaurant where he employs his young cousin Franco as a waiter, has a close working relationship with friend Gabriella. Henri Leclair also returns from America . Delphine gives a hugely successful reading of her book at the store, followed by a party at her club where Kitty rebuffs Frank Edward's attentions. That night the news breaks that Franz Ferdinand has been murdered in Sarajevo.