黑爵士三世Blackadder the Third(1987)

主演:罗温·艾金森 托尼·罗宾逊 休·劳瑞 

导演:曼迪·弗莱彻 编剧:本·埃尔顿 Ben Elton/理查德·柯蒂斯 Richard Curtis



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Blackadder S03E06 [Dutch Subs] DVDrip Kable
2019-05-12 Blackadder S03E05 [Dutch Subs] DVDrip Kable
2019-05-12 Blackadder S03E04 [Dutch Subs] DVDrip Kable
2019-05-10 Blackadder - Season 3 - Black Adder The ThirdAVI



Plot Summary:During the Regency period, the insane King George III's stark raving mad son, George, is the Prince Regent of Wales. Vulgar and staggeringly slow-and-dim-witted, George exhausts the country's money and would surely be dead by know were it not for his dry, angry, bitter, arrogant and cynical butler, Edmund Blackadder, Esq. Blackadder is an ex-aristocrat who has lost his family fortune and been reduced to servant-hood, and full of loathing knowing he should have a better position then serving a lunatic. Sod-Off Baldrick is his dirty, smelly peasant servant, and Mrs. Miggins is an annoying cheerful coffee-shoppe owner who is too stupid to understand most of Mr. Blackadder's insults.
英国19世纪摄政时期,乔治三世的傻儿子乔治(休·劳瑞 Hugh Laurie 饰)是当时威尔士的摄政王。这位粗俗不堪又愚蠢至极的摄政王奢靡无度,耗尽了国家的所有钱财。如果不是他的管家埃德蒙·黑爵士(罗温·艾金森 Rowan Atkinson 饰)在一旁辅佐,整个王朝必将毁于一旦。   埃德蒙是一位落魄的前贵族,为人冷酷傲慢又尖酸刻薄。愤世嫉俗的埃德蒙总是摆出一副对所有人事充满厌恶的面孔,总觉得自己应该拥有更高更好的权位。做苦工的农民鲍德里克(托尼·罗宾逊 Tony Robinson 饰)是他的随从,蓬头垢面,整天臭气熏天。咖啡店老板梅根太太(海伦·阿特金森-伍德 Helen Atkinson-Wood 饰)开朗热情到有些令人生厌,她甚至听不出来埃德蒙对她的讥讽和侮辱。
