君臣人子小命呜呼Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead(1990)

又名:罗森·格兰兹与吉尔·登斯顿之死 / 罗森克兰茨和吉尔登斯特恩已死 / 罗森格兰兹和吉尔登斯吞已死


主演:蒂姆·罗斯 加里·奥德曼 理查德·德莱福斯 

导演:汤姆·斯托帕德 编剧:Tom Stoppard



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead 1990 1080p B
2019-05-12 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead 1990 1080p B
2019-05-12 Rosencrantz.and.Guildenstern.Are.Dead.1990.1080p.B
2019-05-11 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead 1990 1080p B



Plot Summary:Showing events from the point of view of two minor characters from Hamlet, men who have no control over their destiny, this film examines fate and asks if we can ever really know what's going on? Are answers as important as the questions? Will Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (or Guildenstern and Rosencrantz) manage to discover the source of Hamlet's malaise as requested by the new king? Will the mysterious players who are strolling around the castle reveal the secrets they evidently know? And whose serve is it?
Rosencrantz(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)和Guildenstern(蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Roth 饰)是莎翁名剧《哈姆雷特》里面两个小角色,本片即从他们的行为出发来看待这出悲剧。俩人在回丹麦Elsinore的路上,发生了不少奇怪的事,比如Rosencrantz扔的硬币永远是一个面朝上,比如他们遇到了一个奇怪的剧团。他们来到皇宫,遇到了国王和王后,王后让他们去接近王子哈姆雷特,了解他闷闷不乐的原因。于是他们把剧团推荐给了王子。于是王子利用剧团上演了一出杀兄篡位娶嫂的故事,让国王极为不快。国王于是命令Rosencrantz和Guildenstern两人秘密将王子带至英国处死,不料哈姆雷特无意中发现了两人的信件,得知自己即将被害的事.....   本片根据同名戏剧改编。
