
又名:Summer Snow / Woman, Forty

上映日期:1995-05-04(中国香港) / 1995-02(柏林电影节)片长:101分钟

主演:萧芳芳 乔宏 罗家英 罗冠兰 丁子峻 谭倩红 鲍方 夏萍 

导演:许鞍华 编剧:陈文强 Man Keung Chan



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 女人四十.粤语中字.MFL.mkv
2019-05-11 女人四十
2019-05-11 [1995] Summer Snow



Plot Summary:The Suns are a typical Hong Kong family: May, forty something, works for a trading company; her husband, Bing, works as a low-grade civil servant, and Allen, their teenage son, is still at school. Trouble strikes one day when Bing's mother dies of a stroke, leaving her husband old Mr. Sun. Alzheimer's Disease is diagnosed. From that day on, the family's daily life is thrown into a poignant. Old Mr. Sun develops a tendency to wander off and get lost, he wakes up yelling in the middle of the night plus he is rude and disobliging ... all this, along with May's already full schedule as wife, mother and employee, drives her close to the edge of her endurance. The very last thing they all wanted has to happen: old Mr. Sun has to go into a Nursing Home. But it does not turn out quite like they expected...
家住旧楼、性情火爆的孙太阿娥(萧芳芳)每日奔走于家庭、公司之间,为家人、公司处处精打细算。她家中有做驾证考官的丈夫(罗家英)、正念大学的儿子(丁子峻)、待她若亲生女儿的婆婆及军人出身的臭脾气专横公公(乔宏)。丈夫弟妹一个住在富人区,一个远嫁台湾,平日与他们疏于联络。   婆婆的突然病逝令公公变作痴呆老人,他脑里只有旧事若干、眼前只识阿娥一人,所做的荒唐事一件接连一件,阿娥一家疲于应对,在家安心做主妇的弟媳又不愿伸手相帮。阿娥与丈夫试过送公公去日间老人看护所、老人院,却一样不能省心。而给阿娥带来诸多乐趣的工作也因碰上年纪轻她、能力强她的对手令她烦心。但公公亦用自己的方式对人到40日渐有心无力的阿娥表示着感激。
