
主演:波瑠 宮崎美子 満島真之介 豊原功補 佐藤江梨子 小島聖  

导演:金子修介 榎戸崇泰 编剧:宮部みゆき(原作)/金子修介/江良至





Plot Summary:During the Edo period, 17-year-old Ochika built an emotional wall against others after a murder occurred in her family which runs an inn the post town of Kawasaki. Her fiance was killed by a man who was raised as if he were her own sibling. Ochika left her family home. She now stays at Mishimaya, the bag shop which her uncle, Ihei, opened in Edo's Kanda Mishima-cho, and works silently every day. One day, Ihei summons Ochika to 'Kokubyaku no Aida' where he always welcomes his rival in the game of go. He instructs her to listen to the 100 odd horror tales from the people who come to visit, and then leaves. Ochika slowly begins to open her heart to their curious tales.
故事发生在江户时代,为了逃避不快的回忆,美丽灵巧的女孩阿近(波瑠 饰)来到叔叔伊兵卫(佐野史郎 饰)经营的提袋店三島屋帮佣。她手脚勤快,任劳任怨,令三岛屋上上下下颇为欢心。偶然机缘,阿近代替叔父接待了预定上门的客人。客人神色慌张,欲言又止。自信能够帮人排忧解难的阿近主动担当起倾听者的重任。谁知对方却娓娓道出一段关于“死人之花”曼珠沙华的凄迷诡异故事。以此为开端,接下来的日子里阿近听说并记录了一段又一段灵异诡异的故事(凶宅、邪恋、魔镜、满屋作响),而她也在不知不觉间卷入其中……   本片根据宫部美幸的原作改编。
