
又名:当孙悟空遇上蜘蛛侠 / A Grandson from America


主演:罗京民 丁佳明 刘天佐 

导演:曲江涛 编剧:曲江涛 Jiangtao Qu




Plot Summary:A contemporary drama set in a rural village in Northwestern China, where a crusty old retired Shadow Puppet master, Lao Yang, has his quiet life disrupted by his long lost son who shows up unannounced one day with an American fiancee and her six year old boy from her previous marriage. Lao Yang's son and his fiancee take off soon after and Lao Yang is stuck taking care of this boy who is foreign not only in appearance but also in habits. The old man and the boy must overcome their differences in age, language, and culture to learn to accept each other. How will they get along?
老杨头(罗京民 饰)是陕西华县一名独居老艺人,家中珍藏着表演皮影戏的全套行当。一天,离家多年的儿子突然领回了洋女友和洋孙子布鲁克斯(丁佳明 饰)。观念受到冲击的老杨头还未回过神来,儿子和女友又因要远赴可可西里工作而匆忙将布鲁克斯托付给了自己。措手不及的老杨头只得生涩的充当起洋孙子的看护人,爷孙俩时常因东西方文化差异和语言不通发生冲突。   为了让布鲁克斯喝到鲜牛奶,老杨头找上了养奶牛的乡文化站王站长(刘天佐 饰)。正酝酿开班传承皮影戏的王站长借机力邀老杨头复出。在王站长不懈的游说和布鲁克斯的影响下,老杨头的皮影班终于成功开授,他与布鲁克斯之间也因为皮影戏这种独特温馨的沟通方式变得亲密无间。
