太阳王公Stara basn. Kiedy slonce bylo bogiem(2003)

又名:太阳王公/When The Sun Was God/帝国勇士/欧陆争霸

上映日期:2003-09-19片长:103 /Poland: 135 (TV version) (3 部分)分钟

主演:Michal Zebrowski Marina Aleksa 

导演:Jerzy Hoffman 




日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 太阳王公字幕.srt
2021-03-10 太阳王公字幕.srt


Plot Summary:Polish historical action fantasy based on a novel by Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski. In 9th-century pre-Christian Poland, the rustic natives have lived peacefully for centuries, tending their land and worshipping the sun god. But when the power-hungry Prince Popiel brings in the Viking army to establish a barbarous and bloodthirsty regime of terror, it is up to one lone warrior, the famed archer Ziemowit (Michal Zebrowski), to lead a peasant uprising and put an end to the bloodshed.
西元9世纪以前,辽阔的东欧处於诸侯割据的混乱局面,王室与诸侯的关係非常紧张。老国王的暴毙使得王位的继承权成为了导火索。主持国政的波佩尔亲王则是野心勃勃,而亲王妃更是个毒辣的女人,她一心要把儿子推上王位,却遭到诸侯一致反对。於是波佩尔亲王决定先下杀手……阴謀残害王子,为了防止诸侯反抗,假称病危连夜召集各诸侯集会并进行了屠杀於是波佩尔亲王登基成了国王,他和王妃子成为王储。 亲王的暴行激起了诸侯的愤怒,纷纷调集军队组成联军,联合讨伐亲王,大军所到之处摧城拔寨,大破亲王重重防线……为了保住江山,亲王不惜以割地引来了强大兇悍的北欧海盗,使联合军遭到惨重损失,大军处处受阻,驍勇的泽莫维特在关键时刻显出了武士本色,与海盗展开最后的决战……决斗中杀死了海盗首领,使敌军迅速溃败;联军乘胜追击,攻破亲王宫殿……王国恢復了和平……
