野人传奇Man to Man(2005)



主演:约瑟夫·费因斯 克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 伊恩·格雷 休·博 

导演:雷吉斯·瓦格涅 编剧:威廉·博伊德 William Boyd/米歇尔·菲思勒 Michel Fessler/弗莱德·福吉 Fred Fougea/雷吉斯·瓦格涅 Régis Wargnier




Plot Summary:1870. Dr. Jamie Dodd is elated : he has finally succeeded in capturing not one, but two pygmies. He brings them to Scotland with the help of Elena Van den Ende, an adventurous woman who sells wild animals to the zoos of Europe. His two anthropologist friends, Alexander and Fraser, and himself are certain they have discovered the missing link, which will make them famous. They start examining the pygmy couple from every angle and Jamie gradually discovers that Toko and Likola are just as sensitive and intelligent as any other homo sapiens. His two colleagues strongly reject this idea as it is glory they are after not the truth. Will Jamie be able to prove the two short people are genuine human beings and not freaks to be shown in a zoo?
《Man to Man》描述19世纪一群英国科学家,千里迢迢到非洲试图研究人类与猿猴之间的关联,并带了一群非洲人回英国研究,是部古装史诗,符合国际一级影展开幕片最需要的大片气魄。导演荷吉斯瓦涅,曾以凯萨琳德纳芙主演的《印度支那》得到奥斯卡最佳外语片奖,《Man to Man》是他执导的首部英语片。
