亨利四世Henri 4(2010)

又名:Henry of Navarre


主演:Lukas T. Berglund Julien Boiss 

导演:乔·拜尔 编剧:Cooky Ziesche/乔·拜尔 Jo Baier





Plot Summary:A wide-ranging, energetic period piece tracing the rise of the Protestant Henry of Navarre as he goes from battlefield warrior to France's beloved King Henri IV. Director Jo Baier's epic is a classically entertaining adventure, albeit one with more than a little bloodshed and frequent bawdy sexual interludes. In late 16th-century France, Catholics and Protestant Huguenots were at war. Seemingly seeking peace, the French dowager queen, Catherine de Medici summons Henry to her court to have him marry her daughter, uniting the two warring factions. However, the Catholics slaughter the Protestant wedding guests in what became known as the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre and Henry-now married-must use all his guile to both stay alive and maneuver for the throne
故事发生在1563年的法国,在新教徒和天主教徒之间,爆发了一场旷日持久的激烈战争。亨利(朱利安·波义塞利尔 Julien Boisselier 饰)身为新教首领,需要抵抗的是强大的皇太后凯瑟琳(桑德拉·惠勒 Sandra Hüller 饰)。为了平息战争,王室决定牺牲公主玛格丽特(阿赫麦勒·德意志 Armelle Deutsch 饰),将她许配给亨利。   然而,这一切都是凯瑟琳一手策划的阴谋。就在亨利和玛格丽特成婚当夜,凯瑟琳拉响了警钟,指挥军队对国内的新教徒们进行了一场惨无人道的血腥屠杀。幸运的是,亨利在屠杀中逃过一劫,并且凭借着努力和运气,成为了最终的胜利者,开创了波旁王朝,留名青史。
