
又名:불속지객 / The Guest


主演:黎明 耿乐 韩彩英 祝延平 陈海亮 于娜 童冰玉 林羽 

导演:林大雄 编剧:李刚 Gang Li





Plot Summary:Zheng Kai(Leon Lai)is a sales manager whose career is on the rise. When he planned to marry his fiancee Lin-Lin(Han chae young),his life changes dramatically--a commercial accident happened, Zheng Kai was forced to become a scapegoat. Zheng Kai frustrated to drink and get on an unlicensed car with unconsciousness and then fell into a serial nightmare--The "kindhearted" driver(Le Geng) began to call Zheng kai frequently and claimed to be his friend. The sober Zheng Kai forgot everything and felt discomfort about the driver's entanglement, meanwhile Lin-Lin became suspicious of the relationship between Zheng Kai and the driver. Suddenly accident occured again, Zheng kai's former boss was murdered by mysterious, Zheng Kai was considered as a suspected object. In order to avoid trouble, the exhausted Zheng kai tried to persuade Lin- Lin to leave here ,but an unexpected greater crisis is on the way..
下属的一个失误令身为上司的郑凯(黎明 饰)事业陷入困境停滞不前,不仅如此,他还得承担下属造成的巨额损失。郁闷至极的郑凯只能借酒消愁,在酩酊大醉之际,一位陌生的黑车司机(耿乐 饰)将郑凯送回了家并且留下了电话,此时的郑凯并不知道,这名神秘的男子,将彻底改变他的一声。   黑车司机反常的态度和疯狂的举动令郑凯感到不寒而栗,他并不记得自己和此人说了什么,那一夜两人又经历了什么。没过多久,一直为难郑凯的上司突然惨死,而郑凯则成为了警方重点怀疑的对象,只有郑凯知道,这一切和黑车司机有着脱不清的干系,而随着时间的推移,黑车司机已经在不知不觉中来到了他的身边。
