
又名:熊出没大电影 / 熊出没电影版 / Boonie Bears, to the Rescue!


主演:张秉君 张伟 谭笑 陈光 孙尧东 马浩伦 万丹青 辛媛 刘思 

导演:丁亮 刘富源 编剧:刘富源 Fuyuan Liu/徐芸 Yun Xu/江波 Bo Jiang/崔铁志 Tiezhi Cui/万秦 Qin Wan/姜璐 Lu Jiang/戴悫 Que Dai/张金 Jin Zhang/林超 Chao Lin/刘服华 Fuhua Liu/陈为强 Weiqiang Chen/叶天龙 Tianlong Ye/林汇达 Huida Lin/黄燕 Yan Huang



日期 资源名称
2019-05-10 梦幻天堂·龙网(lwgod.com).熊出没电影版之夺宝熊兵MP4


Plot Summary:The story starts when two boxes are switched mistakenly during a car accident, in the middle of a stormy night. Logger Vick retrieves a suitcase from the scene of the accident and reveals what is inside. Since he brings back this mysterious box, the forest is no longer peaceful and the Bear Brother's lives change dramatically. Vick and the Bear Brothers become super dads to take care of a mysterious little girl who suddenly appears. They will have to fight with the bad guys in order to bring the girl back home safe and sound. At the same time, this unexpected adventure reveals big secrets. They will discover who the evil mastermind is.
在一个电闪雷鸣、大雨瓢泼的夜晚,相貌凶恶的大马猴和二狗两个坏家伙驾驶汽车飞驰在森林中间的小路上,后座上放着一只他们极为看重神秘箱子。谁知半路突发意外,他们的车子被撞毁,箱子也飞到了森林中央。与此同时,光头强从李老板那里得到一套超先进的伐木工具,他冒着大雨赶赴林间作业,结果遭遇熊大和熊二的阻挠。两只熊抢走了工具箱,光头强急忙追上前去。混乱之中,工具箱和大马猴他们的搞混,被光头强阴差阳错带回家中。第二天一早,光头强突然发现家里多了个小女孩,原来这正是大马猴和二狗两人绑架而来的孩子。   全不知情的光头强带着女孩外出,路上遭遇警察的追捕。混乱就此开始,小女孩的命运该如何呢?
