对不起,谢谢你미안해, 고마워(2011)

又名:Sorry and Thank You


主演:金智昊 文正熙 徐泰和 千宝根 金秀安 

导演:林顺礼 宋一坤 吴点均 朴兴植 编剧:朴兴植 Heung-Sik Park/任顺礼 Soonrye Yim/宋一坤 Il-gon Song/吴点均




Plot Summary:"Sorry, Thanks" is an omnibus film containing four short films. The central theme is the relationship between pets and their owners. In Heung-Sik Park's "My Younger Brother" a 6-year-old girl gets separated from her dog when her mother gets pregnant with her second child and the family decides to give the dog away for adoption. Soon-rye Lim's "Catty Kiss" tells the story of an old maid who often takes in stray cats. This has caused a conflict with her father who doesn't understand why she devotes so much money and time into the cats. Jeom-gyoon Oh's "Chu Chu" shows the friendship between the homeless man Young-jin and the stray dog Chu Chu. In Il-gon Song's "Thank You, I'm Sorry" a hard-working mother inherits a dog after the death of her father. Taking care of her father's dog causes her to reflect on her life.
本片由《谢谢你,对不起》、《祖祖》、《我弟弟》和《小猫亲亲》四段相对独立又彼此关联的故事组成,分别由任顺礼、吴点均、朴兴识和宋一坤四位导演执导。讲述了小动物们和它们的主人之间发生的温情脉脉的故事。   《谢谢你,对不起》讲述了一段小女孩与她的小狗之间的故事。父亲的离世让小女孩悲痛欲绝,然而父亲生前留下来的小狗却一直陪在她的左右。《祖祖》讲述了一只叫祖祖的流浪狗与男人相依为命的感人友谊。《我弟弟》里则描写了一段小男孩与小狗离别的伤心故事。《小猫亲亲》描写了一段父女间由小猫而频生口角到冰释前嫌的感人故事。
