独家报道:良辰杀人记특종: 량첸살인기(2015)

又名:夺命头条(台) / The Exclusive: Beat the Devil's Tattoo


主演:裴晟祐 金义城 曹政奭 李荷娜 李美淑 

导演:鲁德 编剧:鲁德 Deok Roh




Plot Summary:Moo-hyuk is journalist... but actually is not doing very well in his job. Thats why he probably get fired soon and his wife is threatening him with divorce. But just in that situation he stumbles upon a memo of a serial killer. Moo-hyuk takes the chances and writes a passionate article about it which makes him a star in the media. Of course, the police immediately starts to investigate the case, but finds no body. Also Moo-hyuk has no idea until he finds out that this memo was just part of Chinese novel called "Liang Chen Murder Record". In other words: Moo-hyuk has done quite some shit! He could loose his job, his respect and even has to go to jail. So Moo-hyuk has only the choice of clearing his "mistake" or giving the police and the public what they want: many many corpses.
韩国投资发行公司乐天娱乐制作发行。   《独家报道:良辰杀人记》讲述的是社会部记者许武赫在偶然的机会下得到了关于连锁杀人事件的举报,误报的恶劣影响越来越严重,各家记者展开了炙热的取材竞争,然而却发生了真实的连锁杀人事件,竟然和之前报道描述的一模一样。导演卢德此前执导的处女作《恋爱的温度》于2013年上映时累计观影人数达186万人,并多次入围电影节奖项提名,导演卢德也备受关注。   曺政奭饰演的是一直顺风顺水的社会部记者许武赫,然而却身陷职场和家庭的双重危机。李荷娜饰演许武赫的妻子秀真。李美淑饰演冷酷的白局长。金义成饰演白局长的左右手文理事。裴成宇饰演调查杀人事件的刑警吴班长。金大明饰演提供线索的勇敢市民。太仁镐饰演许武赫的直属上司刘组长。
