交响情人梦 最终乐章 后篇のだめカンタービレ 最終楽章 後編(2010)

又名:交响情人梦 电影版2 / Nodame Cantabile: The Movie II


主演:上野树里 玉木宏 永山瑛太 水川麻美 小出惠介 竹中直人  

导演:武内英樹 编剧:衛藤凛

交响情人梦 最终乐章 后篇:在线播放

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交响情人梦 最终乐章 后篇:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Nodame (Juri Ueno) is still pining for the affections of Chiaki (Hiroshi Tamaki), but Chiaki wants them to concentrate on their musical careers and moves out. Chiaki then gets the opportunity to perform with Song Rui (Yu Yamada) and the Wiltord Orchestra of Vienna. Meanwhile, Nodame remains at the conservatory in Paris, but Professor AuClair refuses to let her compete in musical competitions that could kickstart her career. When Nodame goes to a concert with her friends, she hears Ravel's Piano Concerto in G major and decides that is the song that she will one day perform with Chiaki. Unknown to Nodame, Chiaki is about to perform the song in front of her with Rui ...
为了更专注自己的音乐事业,千秋真一(玉木宏 饰)向野田惠(上野树里 饰)提出分居的请求,浪漫之都巴黎,这对情侣两地相隔。当然野田并不会感到特别无聊,奥山真澄(小出惠介 饰)和峰龙太郎(瑛太 饰)的造访为她带来诸多的乐趣。原来每三年一度针对小提琴和钢琴的坎托纳国际竞演会召开在即,峰特意来给分别多年的恋人三木清良(水川あさみ 饰)加油打气。观看演出时,当拉威尔的G大调钢琴协奏曲响起时,野田深受触动,遂决定报名参赛,却被教授拒绝。与此同时,当听说复归后的孙蕊(山田优 饰)邀请千秋共演时心情更是跌落谷底。为了帮她重整旗鼓,千秋带领野田展开连番特训……   本片根据二之宫知子的原著漫画改编。
