独居吉祥寺的大学生・纯(桥本爱),某天被找寻已故父亲昔日恋人・佐知子的高中生ハル(永野芽郁)造访。一起寻找佐知子的过程中,两人结识了佐知子的孙子・トキオ(染谷将太)。三人从去世的佐知子的遗物里找到录有ハル父亲和佐知子歌声的开盘式磁带,但磁带中途歌声戛然而止,因此,三人决定共同完成乐章.....University student Jun has a lot of free time on her hands. She encounters Haru who is in high school and looks a woman she knew in her past. They meet Tokio, who is the grandson of the woman she knew, and learn that the person is dead. They come across media of the woman's work.