在芬兰北部临近瑞士的一个边陲小镇上,一个退休警察发现其私生子的出狱对整个小镇都造成了威胁。私生子在发现了家里不可告人的秘密后,开始伺机报复自己不称职的父亲,从他身边的亲朋好友中一个个下手,当然也不会放过他那同父异母的兄弟。被仇恨吞噬的两兄弟一时间令镇民们都陷入了恐慌之中。为了不让儿子们再生事端,警察不得不直面自己曾经所犯下的错误。An arctic western taking place on both sides of the northern Finnish-Swedish border. A retiring police officer learns that his illegitimate son has been released from prison and is terrorizing the area. As his final task, he tries to contain the situation but it soon spirals out of control and turns violent, forcing him to face his past.