丽芙与玛蒂是一对性格迥异的15岁孪生姐妹。丽芙是一个散发着快乐和能量的好莱坞明星,最近刚刚拍摄完一部火热剧集;玛蒂全身充满了运动细胞,是学校的篮球活跃分子。玛蒂已经习惯了独自上学的日子,对于丽芙要回家的消息紧张不已。而丽芙热衷于谈论自己的璀璨星路,也因此与玛蒂摩擦出了火药味。与此同时,学校的篮球教练和心理医生——两姐妹的父母——一直试图让丽芙与玛蒂和平共处,给她们带来了不小的压力。而总希望借两姐妹来转移父母视线从而逃离管制的乔伊和帕克两两兄弟也共同演绎了一幕又一幕的爆笑喜剧。While Joey and Maddie try to catch Diggie before he departs for Australia, Liv covers for Maddie at home. But when Diggie shows up at the Rooney house, chaos ensues, reminding Parker of his favorite soap opera drama. Meanwhile, Liv gets a call from her manager telling her she landed a coveted role in a new TV show "Voltage."