久未復出的明星單車選手喬受邀前往智利比賽,然而在賽前路線試騎途中,他和女友史黛芬妮遇到一個感染神秘病毒而重傷瀕死的人,身體出現令人費解的奇怪症狀,他們因此成為冷血殺手的頭號目標,為了保守秘密,這群殺手將不計一切代價殺人滅口……After his best friend dies in a racing accident, biking star Joe agrees to go back on the wheels for an exhibition in Chile. On a test run with his girlfriend Stephanie, they stumble upon a badly injured man dying from a mysterious virus. That's the start of a very bad day for them as they become the target of relentless killers ready to do anything to keep their secret to go out of the mountains.