玛雅的生活看起来似乎一帆风顺,身边的男孩子都为她的美丽而着迷,自己的学业也是前途无量。可是不知为什么,她还是觉得很寂寞。直到遇见杰瑞德后,两人感情迅速升温。某个晚上,两人调情调的有些过了火,杰瑞德想要与之发生关系,在遭到玛雅拒绝后,不顾反抗强奸了她。此后玛雅的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,玛雅打算复仇,重新开始新的生活……In the winter of her senior year, Maya talks to Jared at a frat party, accepts his invitation to dinner at a nice restaurant, then goes to his apartment, just to talk. He assaults her. Her personality changes, she's withdrawn; she graduates and takes a job at a clothing store, staying apart from co-workers. At night, she's someone else: a beauty at the club scene, dancing, seductive, sniffing cocaine, becoming the friend of a heavy hitter. She thinks about her racial identity. That fall, she's a grad student, and Jared is in an exam she proctors. She invites him to her apartment; he's certain she's stuck on him.