不断遇到麻烦可算是凯与格尔达这对姐弟的特点了,毕竟他们是在冰雪的国度被矮人们养大的。随着他们长大成人,等待他们的麻烦也升级了。这一次,格尔达与新认识的小伙伴罗兰去寻找传说中的许愿球,不想却召唤出封印在许愿球中的邪恶力量,这对姐弟是否能够逢凶化吉,还世界一个和平?The rare gift of getting into all kinds of trouble is their family trait. What else can you expect from the ones raised among trolls in snowy lands? But now Kai and Gerda have grown up and entered a new stage - this time they are going to cause a global disaster...