路易·德拉克斯是一个问题小孩:聪明,少年老成,满嘴谎言,而且还总是会发生一些危险、让人难安的意外事故。9岁的他已经发生了八次意外:第一次,出生时母亲难产;第二次,患上婴儿猝死综合症;第三次,突发痉挛,9分半钟没有呼吸;第四次,掉进里昂地铁的铁轨中,全身85%被电击…第九次,不幸坠崖,但在医生宣布其死亡两个小时后,他又奇迹般地活了下来,但是他的家庭也因此支离破碎。The story begins on Louis Drax's 9th birthday, when a lifetime of curious mishaps culminates in the boy's near-fatal fall. Desperate to reveal the strange circumstances behind the young boy's accident and dark coincidences that have plagued his entire life, Dr. Allan Pascal (Dornan) is drawn into a thrilling mystery that explores the nature of the sixth sense, testing the boundaries of fantasy and reality.