父母意外双亡的小镇男孩搬去姑姑家住,并准备读完大学,以便赚钱供养两个年幼的妹妹。过着寄人篱下生活的他,被一个神秘的女人所引诱,两人在这种关系中逐渐找到默契。随着家境的变化,他对钱的需要更加强烈,于是尚在大一的他,借做家教之名开始和已婚女人进行肉色交易...... 2012年,该片获得Osian's Cinefan国际电影节“印度电影单元”最佳影片及最佳男主角;2013年,该片在巴黎获得法国观众票选的南亚电影节“公众大奖”(最佳影片);2014年,该片获得印度电影观众奖最佳女主角(评委组)、星银幕奖最佳女反派及最佳剧情。After losing his parents in a car accident, Mukesh stays at his Aunt's house in Delhi. Enrolled in a good for nothing course in college he finds peace by playing chess at the local cemetery, the rest of the times he worries over ways to make a living and taking care of his sisters. 'B.A.Pass' is a story looking at the fatal promise of a new life. When Mukesh meets Sarika 'auntie' at a kitty party, little does he know of the city and it's ways and means to survive. Sarika seduces Mukesh, shy and inexperienced he falls for her. What follows is a twist of destiny, a kind of story that appears in the tabloids as 'heinous acts of crime'