大学的寒假开始,一男一女两位平素憎恨对方的大学一年级生,不约而同前往加州相会爱人。阴差阳错地,两人的行程齐被一宗意外阻延,动弹不得;本来针锋相对的冤家,在同病相怜的情况下,竟引发出一段非一般的恋情...College freshman Walter (Gib) Gibson decides to go cross country to visit his friend in California during winter break. Awaiting there is a bikini-clad babe whom his friend assures him is a "sure thing". Meanwhile, Allison, a cute (but somewhat retentive) girl at Gib's college has also decided to head out to Cal. to see her boyfriend during break. Gib and Allison are thrust together on a road trip from hell, and somewhere along the way, they find each others company to be tolerable. Now, what will become of Gib's "sure thing?"