普通上班族的高木(堤真一饰)在星期一醒来,却发现自己身在酒店房间,他百思不得其解,只能不断寻回记忆。 他记起之前守灵的夜晚,医院来电说尸体(安藤政信饰)的心脏起博器留在体内会爆炸,必须剪掉一根线。之后他将它讲给女朋友(西田尚美饰)听,自己大笑个不停,结果适得其反。生活枯燥的他去酒吧买醉,却开始了一连串离奇的遭遇。 他记起碰见黑社会头目,一个跳舞的漂亮女子(松雪泰子饰),甚至还有自己杀了人。电视画面也让他记起了更多,他开始觉得自己已经无路可逃。于是写起了遗书,结果越写越长,最后他在恼怒中又拿起了酒……A salaryman wakes up in a posh hotel room, totally clueless about how he got there. Slowly, he recalls what happened a day before - attending a funeral, dating but annoying his girlfriend, getting drunk in a pub and getting to know a yakuza and his beautiful mistress, having a gun in his hand and...