距离上一次风飞鲨袭击东岸已过了五年,幸存者芬恩一行人早已习惯和谐安稳的生活。这回,芬恩偕同家人前往赌城拉斯维加斯展开家族旅游,岂料,一种全新进化的风飞鲨逐渐形成,再度掀开一场腥风血雨的天降鲨机!It's been five years since the last Sharknado that devastated Washington, D.C. and the world is benefiting from this hard-earned peace. Aston Reynolds' tech company Astro-X with their revolutionary atmosphere stabilizers called Astro-Pods, managed to eradicate all possible Sharknado formations, before they could get the chance to grow in magnitude. Fin, is heading to Vegas for a family reunion, some fun and relaxation, but before long, menacing clouds are forming once again and a brand new Sharknado is at hand.