后斯诺登时代,中情局系统被黑客入侵, 多项特工计划可能泄露。与此同时,中情局还发现了伯恩和好搭档尼基·帕森斯的踪迹。年轻的网络专家海瑟·李自告奋勇追踪伯恩,而伯恩也在寻找着关于自己身世的惊天黑幕。中情局高官杜威是知晓一切幕后秘密的人,他、海瑟·李和伯恩之间的角力让故事充满悬念,不到最后一刻,就无法了解真正的结局。Jason Bourne is again being hunted by the CIA. It begins when Nicky Parson a former CIA operative who helped Bourne who then went under and now works with a man who's a whistle blower and is out to expose the CIA's black ops. So Nicky hacks into the CIA and downloads everything on all their Black Ops including Treadstone which Bourne was a part of. And Heather Lee, a CIA agent discovers the hack and brings it to the attention of CIA Director Dewey, the man behind the Black Ops. He then orders Parsons be found and hopefully Bourne too.