亚伦(乔纳·希尔 Jonah Hill 饰)是一个刚离开校园,走进社会的大学毕业生,他找到的第一份工作则是在一家唱片公司做助理。可对于他自己而言,这工作干得并非那么开心,因为这个助理每天都会被人呼之则来,挥之则去,最让亚伦头疼的就是还要应付公司里那帮说着色情笑话,总是让自己难堪的同事和上司。 一天,上司突然派给亚伦一个工作:要陪伴公司的签约艺人、著名摇滚歌手奥尔德斯(拉塞尔·布兰德 Russell Brand 饰)到洛杉矶的希腊剧院,完成他的演出活动。其实这本来是一件再简单不过的事,但这位奥尔德斯可不是一般人,他每天都生活在殴打记者、酒后驾车、吸毒、夜场泡马子的醉生梦死状态中,而要把这位无论白天黑夜都处于神志不清的大人物按时弄到希腊剧院去,亚伦的这趟旅途注定充满了诸多不可预知的意外……English rock star Aldous Snow relapses into drugs and booze after a break up and a disastrous record. In L.A., Aaron Green works for a record company stuck in recession. Aaron's boss gives him a career making task - to bring Aldous from London to L.A. for a concert in 72 hours. That day, Aaron's girlfriend Daphne tells him she wants to finish her medical residency in Seattle. Aaron's sure this ends their relationship. In London, things aren't much better: Aldous delays their departure several times, plies Aaron with vices, and alternates between bad behavior and trenchant observations. Can Aaron moderate Aldous's substance abuse and get him to the Greek? What about Daphne?