故事发生在1908年的格陵兰岛,约瑟芬(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche 饰)的丈夫是一位非常杰出的探险家,在一次前往北极的探险行动中失踪了。坚强而又骁勇的约瑟芬坚信自己的丈夫没有死亡,于是决定独自前往追寻丈夫踪迹的旅途。 所有的探险家们都对约瑟芬这一大胆的决定持反对的态度,因为她并不具备探险家所应有的专业知识,也没有接受过系统的体能训练,这样一个人置身于茫茫的北极冰川之中,留给她的只有死路一条。然而约瑟芬还是固执的上路了,在经历了无数艰难险阻之后,她竟然奇迹般的抵达了丈夫在北极设置的大本营,在那里,约瑟芬邂逅了一位名为阿尔卡(菊地凛子 饰)的异域女子。Josephine (Binoche) travels to the hostile icy landscape of the remote North in search of her explorer husband. As winter descends and determined not to turn back she finds companionship with an Inuit woman (Kikuchi). With the elements against them and their survival reliant on each other it becomes clear they are waiting for a man they both love.