年仅九岁的小姑娘凯西向法院提出了申诉,坚决和亲生父母脱离关系,并要求和家中的女佣人生活在一起,这是为什么? 凯西的父亲艾伯特是电影导演,母亲露西是位作家,他们是邂逅相遇而相爱的,婚后生活幸福美满。 几年过去了,他们可爱的凯西也长大了。艾伯特仍然从事电影导演工作。在拍一部新片时,他请了一位非职业演员演主角。由于天天在一起拍戏,艾伯特和她产生了暧昧的感情。他们不正常的关系被露西发现了,她就带着女儿离开了艾伯特。从此,俩人关系时好时坏,在这种经常不断地相互攻击、吵闹打斗环境中生活的凯西感到厌烦和失望,于是她来到了法庭......Albert and Lucy fall in love, get married, and have a daughter Casey. Everything is wonderful, till success in business distract Albert and Lucy from each other and Casey. They soon divorce and start fighting so Casey beats sues to divorce her parents, to go live with the maid who has been taking care of her. Themedia has a field day, which is only making things worse.