恐怖分子活动异常频繁令人毛骨悚然,恐怖分子利用飞机制造恐怖事件无不得逞,本片可谓是恐怖活动的一个缩影,多名歹徒劫机,一百多名旅客的生命危在旦夕,内政部部长及军区上将亲自指挥,国家安全部长亲自挂帅,最终柳暗花明,歹徒被毙,旅客被救。A gang of hijackers led by Ray Petrie (Ian McShane) seize a British plane as it is landing in Scandinavia. Ruthless military police chief Colonel Tahlvik (Sean Connery) is assigned to rescue the plane and its passengers. But he must also deal with the problem of the British Ambassador, whose residence has been seized by a second group of terrorists.