火星人因火星气候变化无法生存而计划大举侵入地球,当第一艘飞船落到地球上时,居民们以为是陨石。博士克莱法斯特通过探测仪器得知有放射性,需等冷却才能查看,但有人好奇前去观看,不料被杀死。人类的所有武器都不能对付火星人的死光炮,全世界的人都在逃命,整个地球乱作一团。正在这时,火星人却一个接一个死去,原来……H.G. Well's classic novel is brought to life in this tale of alien invasion. The residents of a small town in California are excited when a flaming meteor lands in the hills. Their joy is tempered somewhat when they discover that it has passengers who are not very friendly. The movie itself is understood better when you consider that it was made at the height of the Cold War--just replace Martian with Russian....