所謂「小馬迷」是卡通節目「彩虹小馬」的男性粉絲,尤其指中年大叔。這部內容精采、廣受好評的記錄片將帶您深入瞭解小馬迷的文化,並跟隨孩之寶第四季彩虹小馬節目的配音員艾許莉貝兒,一窺她替蘋果嘉兒與雲寶配音的幕後工作,以及認識狂熱的粉絲、小馬DJ與地下小馬迷派對。艾許莉也將前往紐約參與小馬迷盛會,會見一些獨一無二的小馬迷。這些小馬迷包括在亞特蘭大主持地下派對的DJ、 在聖荷西經營機車行的猛男小馬迷、 俄亥俄州高中的小馬社團以及洛杉磯的小馬聚會。本片採訪了各式各樣的小馬迷,彷彿是我們週遭人物的縮影。此外,小馬迷還創立了網路論壇,在此發表彩虹小馬相關創作、混音作品以及自創的線上小馬迷卡通。除此之外,小馬迷還可透過見面會與學校社團等活動來認識彼此。本片不僅探討外人所不知道的彩虹小馬文化,更以新奇古怪又溫馨的風格,呈現出這些大叔粉絲勇敢做自己的勇氣。Vancouver-based voice artist Ashleigh Ball has been the voice of numerous characters in classic cartoons such as Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, Cinderella and more. When Ashleigh was hired to voice Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash for Hasbro's fourth series to use the My Little Pony name - My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - she had no idea she would become an Internet phenomenon and major celebrity to a worldwide fan-base of grownups. Bronies are united by their belief in the show's philosophy. This documentary gives an inside view of the Pony fan-world, and an intimate look at the courage it takes to just be yourself...even when that means liking a little girls' cartoon.