伯尼(达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 饰)是一名游手好闲的小偷,某天,一架飞机因为恶劣的天气而被迫降落,伯尼顺手帮助了一些受伤的乘客,但其实他此行的目的其实是想看看这里是否有利可图。之后,心中有鬼的伯尼匆匆离开了现场,可是,他的所作所为却深深的印在了女记者盖尔(吉娜·戴维斯 Geena Davis 饰)的眼中。 盖尔被伯尼这种“做好事不留名”的壮举深深地打动了,顺利抵达之后,她决定不惜一切代价找到这位无名英雄。约翰(安迪·加西亚 Andy Garcia 饰)是一名无所事事的流浪汉,他听闻了伯尼的义举,指望着能够冒名顶替捞点好处。约翰的这一诡计最终能够得逞吗?Bernie LaPlante is having a rough time. He's divorced, his ex-wife hates him, and has custody of their son. The cops are setting a trap for him, then to top it all, he loses a shoe while rescuing passengers of a plane crash. Being a thief who is down on his luck, he takes advantage of the rescue, but then someone else claims credit for it.