用另一个角度,另一段历史,来怀缅9•11,来激励人们继续齐心向前。 就在世贸大厦和五角大楼遭到恐怖袭击的那个黑色日子,新闻报道了一场灾难——93航班被恐怖分子劫持,之后坠落在宾夕法尼亚洲,机上45人全部罹难。 社会广泛猜测,航班上的恐怖分子本来打算把飞机用以袭击华盛顿。 然而机上所有乘客和工作人员却一致抗敌,力挽狂澜,以自己的牺牲保住了更多人的性命。On September 11, 2001, two American Airlines and two United Airlines domestic U.S. flights are hijacked by terrorists. After the collision of two planes against the World Trade Center and one against the Pentagon, the passengers and crew of United Flight 93 decide to struggle against the four terrorists to take back the control of the airplane.