故事发生在1956年,传教士耐特(查德·艾伦 Chad Allen 饰)、吉姆(Sean McGowan 饰)、皮特(Matt Lutz 饰)和艾迪(Stephen Caudill 饰)千里昭昭来到了位于厄瓜多尔原始丛林中的瓦欧达尼族的领地,希望在这片尚未开化的蛮荒之地上播种下上帝的福音的种子。然而等待着他们的却是凶残的土著和尖锐的长矛。 明卡亚尼(路易·李奥纳多 Louie Leonardo 饰)是部落中最为骁勇善战的一位勇士,他亲眼目睹了传教士们被残忍杀害的场面,亦惊异于他们即便是失去性命也不愿意放弃信仰的坚毅精神。一晃眼多年过去,明卡亚尼成为了部落的首领,受万人敬仰,此时,先前死去的传教士的家人们没有放弃传教的希望,冒着生命危险再度来到了这里。"End of the Spear" is the story of Mincayani, a Waodani tribesman from the jungles of Ecuador. When five young missionaries, among them Jim Elliot and Nate Saint, are speared to death by the Waodani in 1956, a series of events unfold to change the lives of not only the slain missionaries' families, but also Mincayani and his people.