在西班牙馬德里悶熱的仲夏午後,十四位男男女女的愛情生活彼此交互影響著,他們不約而同在下午六點與相識的或素昧平生的另一半相約在太陽門廣場中央的Km.0見,不論是約定或是巧遇,他們分別在此集合然後解散,展開七段不可設限、完全“0規則”可循的愛情奇遇… 一名滿懷電影夢的大學生與過著 狗日子 的妓女; 一再企圖於婚前嘗試新的性經驗的上班族; 一心為了爭取演出機會而製造小意外的女演員; 一連遇到三次偷與搶的倒楣女孩與純情的光頭警察; 一邊跳著佛朗明哥舞一邊找尋「網交」的男同志; 一度懷疑援交男是她失散多年兒子的風流貴婦; 一天到晚想要倒貼酒保的年輕女孩...... 一連串的巧合誤會,有的不可思議、有的歡愉而深刻,他們到底在搞什麼呀?Oh~My God!老天爺實在看不下去了,於是跟大家開了一個玩笑…The title refers to Madrid's central square (from which all distances within Spain are measured). Zero may also describe the state of the lives of 14 strangers. The stories of these fourteen collide at this meeting point on a sultry August afternoon. Mistaken identities and second chances are among the results of this comedy of errors featuring, among other characters, a horny & gay university student, an internet-love seeker flamenco dancer, a macho but lovelorn gigolo, an actress, and a businessman starved for new sexual experiences.