乔(崔·帕克 Trey Parker 饰)是一名虔诚的摩门教神父,即将和恩爱的女友丽萨(Robyn Lynne Raab 饰)携手步入婚姻的殿堂。可是,众所周知,结婚需要一大笔钱,这对于囊中羞涩的乔来说是他目前所面临的最大难题。一次偶然中,乔误打误撞闯入了三级片拍摄现场,并且被导演相中想要让他下海演戏,面对导演开出的高额片酬,乔心动了。 在拍摄的过程中,身不由己的乔将自己内心的苦闷全都说给了他的助手宾(Dian Bachar 饰)听,宾表面看上去只是一个普普通通的老实人,实际上确实拥有超高智商的双学位博士。宾发明了一把“高潮镭射枪”,于是,带着实验的目的,乔和宾决定试试这把枪的威力到底有多强。Joe Young was a simple young man trying to spread the word of the Book of Mormon when he picked the wrong house to preach at! The owner, a porn director named Maxxx Orbison, tells his henchmen to kill the guy at the door who interrupted their scene, but Joe fights off the guards with great skill, which impresses Maxxx so much that he offers Joe the lead role in the movie he's making at the moment: Orgazmo, which is about a sex superhero who fights crime with his Orgazmorator, and ChodaBoy, his sidekick. Joe, against his beliefs, takes the job so that he can pay for the wedding he plans for himself and his fiancée, whom he doesn't tell about his risqué new acting job. However, when the movie becomes an amazing hit just about everywhere and he finds out that Ben (ChodaBoy) has created a real Orgazmorator, Joe is in some serious hot water!