活跃于加勒比海上的哈里、道格(Frank Langella 饰)、莫迪三兄弟各保存着一份藏宝图的三分之一,道格欲独占宝藏将哈里重伤致死。哈里之女摩根(Geena Davis 饰)接管晨星号海盗船,继承了父亲复仇与寻宝的遗愿。摩根取下父亲头皮上的藏宝图,却因无法辨识图上的拉丁文而登陆求助,适逢惯偷肖(Matthew Modine 饰)被官方贩卖为奴,摩根依赖肖的翻译能力把他买下,并且很快在官军对自己的追捕中展现了悍女本色。摩根等人寻至莫迪处,不料道格意外出现,混乱中莫迪身死,而肖将第二张藏宝图占为己有。摩根惩治了肖的不忠,但却无法摆脱尾随的道格,最终船员叛变,摩根失去了晨星号,虽然肖协助摩根发现割喉岛宝藏所在,但是在道格和官军的围堵下,取得宝藏谈何容易?Morgan Adams and her slave, William Shaw, are on a quest to recover the three portions of a treasure map. Unfortunately, the final portion is held by her murderous uncle, Dawg. Her crew is skeptical of her leadership abilities, so she must complete her quest before they mutiny against her. This is made yet more difficult by the efforts of the British crown to end her piratical raids.