真新镇的少年年满10岁之后,就可以得到训练神奇宝贝的资格。10岁的少年小智(松本梨香 配音)以成为最厉害的神奇宝贝训练大师为目标,即将踏上了修行之旅。小智因为早上赖床迟到,险些失去挑选神奇宝贝的资格,无奈下他领走了一只被挑剩下的神奇宝贝——皮卡丘(大谷育江 配音)。皮卡丘又名电气鼠,虽然长相可爱,但性格含羞内向却又不亲近人类,稍有不满就乱放电电人,暴躁的脾气让小智吃尽了苦头。大木博士把神奇宝贝图和宝贝球作为践行礼物送给了小智。在小智和皮卡丘的前方,神奇宝贝的世界有许多谜题和探险在等着他们,迎接他们的到底是光明还是黑暗,小智能否如愿成为神奇宝贝大师呢?Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of two friends, Misty and Brock, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for all 150 Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket and their Pokémon, Meowth.