小丸子是一名小学二年级的女生,她活泼、好动、懒惰、什么事情都拖到最后一刻才做、学习不认真、成绩平平、经常和姐姐斗气、爱幻想、做事没恒心……在小丸子身上我们或多或少都看到了自己童年的影子。如果小丸子算是一个“怪人”的话,那么她的周围可谓“怪人”多多,有点神经质的班长丸尾同学、权利欲极强的女副班长、经常和小丸子一起疯的爷爷,讨人厌的宾治同学等等,这群性格各异、精力充沛的小孩、大人们,每天都在演绎着生活的趣事,伴随着小丸子一天天长大。Maruko Sakura is a young elementary school student growing up with her parents, grandparents and elder sister in this animated series based on the producer's childhood in the 60's. As Maruko grows up and learns the ways of the world, she and her friends get themselves into an assortment of predicaments, but with Maruko's ingenuity (and the help of her grandfather) they usually finds her way through.