欢迎来医院值夜班,但必须警告你:你每天都要同时面对拯救生命的考验和运营一家医院的黑暗真相。如果把这两件事情加在一起,你大概就不会认为这是一份可以展现“英勇之举”的好差事了。在圣安东尼奥纪念医院,值午夜班和凌晨班的人通常是一群“特殊品种”——特别是容易兴奋的T.C. Callahan(Eoin Macken)。他曾是个军医,去过残酷的中东战场。但是他很快就会发现一个事实:最艰难的战斗并非发生在战场上,而是在一所真正的医院里,在自己的家中。T.C. is still suspended but insists on taking his surgical team to man bleeding to death crushed under an elevator, which Jordan gets Scott do handle despite great risks for them and the hospital. Back after a torturous cancer treatment, administrator Michael Ragosa has enrolled in medical school again, insists on joining a night shift and throws his resignation into his boss's face, only to regret that fast. Army veteran Dr. Joey Chavez makes a cheerful entrance. Gay Drew and on orderly mate's insistence at discretion costs them cruel pranks. An Asia couple is brought in, impaled together.