当一个间谍被解雇了,他们绝不会收到人事部门交来的《解聘书》,而是一个连他自己也不大清楚的"火线警告"…… 当特工Michael Westen (Jeffrey meijubar.net Donovan)在外执行任务的时候,他收到了一份"Burn Notice",从此变成了被人遗忘的角色。 Michael不知道自己究竟犯了什么错误,也不知道自己得罪了什么人,他回到自己的家乡迈阿密,决心找出事情的真相,为自己讨个说法。 他已经无法再和以前那些眼线联络,而且得随时躲蔽间谍网络的搜索。为此,他利用自己的特工技能帮助当地警方解决棘手的案件,换取他们的信任,然后凭借警察的信息优势来秘密进行个人调查。Fiona hoped her confession would allow to protect Michael by sending the federal authorities after Anson, but hostile interrogator Jason Bly even tries to trick her into believing Mike is dead. In fact Jesse found Andon's trail, so Mike and Sam, who gets it bad for not preventing Fi's 'escpae' to surrender, stage a truck accident to overtake him. Anson however anticipated and set an elaborate trap in a vast chemical plant, where he sets them up for his murder of a security guard. Mike however surprisingly gets almost unconditionally the limited rescue team agent Pearce can sort of spare after the air strip disaster.