麦斯抵达巴顿镇,凭着一身好本领,被女皇聘为雇佣兵,消灭操纵地下世界的智武者。麦斯却被女皇的左右手巴斯逐出沙漠。一群居住在世外桃源的野孩子奉麦斯为神,带领他们走出沙漠,几个孩子为了理想,毅然奔向巴顿镇,麦斯为救他们,再入虎穴。Bartertown is a city on the edge of a desert that has managed to retain some technology if no civilization. Max has his supplies stolen and must seek shelter there in a post apocalyptic world where all machines have begun to break down and barbarians hold what is left. He becomes involved in a power struggle in this third Mad Max film where he must first survive the town, survive the desert and then rescue the innocent children he has discovered.