炳古(申河均 饰)是一个喜欢研究外星人问题的韩国青年。他不但坚信有ET的存在,还把地球上种种坏事情都归咎于外星人作祟。 炳古的母亲在工厂里死去,这件事给了炳古沉重的打击,他的精神始终处于某种不正常的状态。工厂的主席,因此成为炳古心目中认定的潜伏在地球的外星人。他不顾后果的绑架了工厂主席,逼他说出外星人要侵害地球的阴谋。但是,没有人相信他的“混话”,警方介入这个绑架案,而炳古也陷入了危险当中。 也许,男主角的预言并没有错,但是毁灭地球的,就没有人类的份吗?A traumatized young man abducts Korean leaders, believing they're toxic reptilian aliens - a fifth column launching a takeover of beloved Earth. Stumped law enforcement geniuses half-seriously hire a disgraced, disheveled private detective with a long-ago history of super-crime solving. The alienated South Korean youngster Lee Byeong-gu builds an isolated basement command post/torture chamber/film studio to force the awful truth out of the slimy, uncooperative politicians and businesspeople, then alert the public. Byeong-gu is helped by his devoted girlfriend, who buys his theories, but wonders if his horrible childhood has colored his thinking.