一望无际的荒漠旷野之上,盘桓着十多名不同身份不同年龄的普通人,他们手里各自拿着一个望远镜,透过镜片兀自眺望着远方。其中一人发现了一处垃圾场,所有的人也都向那里望去。视野中,一只蒙满沙尘的轮胎动了起来,匪夷所思的是,它的动作完全没有借助任何外力,仿佛全由其自身掌控一般。它蹒跚学步,磕磕绊绊,碾压着路上的空瓶子和蝎子。偶然间,轮胎似乎发现自己具有神奇的能力,只要集中注意力盯着(如果它有眼的话)前方的生命体数秒钟,对方就会脑袋炸裂爆头倒毙。 “哦耶!这简直太给力呐!”轮胎心中一定这样想到。于是,它滚着矫健的步伐,向前方走去,一路上掀起血雨腥风。而那群完全没有头脑的观着,始终注视着这离奇的一切……As film spectators watch, a killer car tire comes to life in a desert dump site. Flexing its... rubber... and ready to roll, it soon discovers its telekinetic ability to make small animals and people's heads explode. Lt. Chad hopes to end this movie by fatally poisoning every last spectators, but failing that, the show must go on, and the tire goes on a three-day rampage. With few left alive, a lure is constructed to draw the tire from its motel room, where hopes are to end it and this movie once and for all.